Laboratory of somnology and neurophysiology
Head of the Laboratory:
Irina M. Madaeva, Dr.Sc.(Med.)
Somnology, or sleep medicine as a new area of focus in FSBSI SC FHHRP has been present since 2005 when Somnology Centre (SC) was opened. At that time, it was one of few Russian centers fit out with professional medical equipment. Up to 2015, SC had run on a self-supporting basis as a unit of the Centre of Innovative Medicine. Fundamental scientific researches in pathophysiology, pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology were conducted based at SC. Starting from 2015 SC has functioned as a scientific unit of the Laboratory of Pathophysiology and Laboratory of Pediatrics and Neurophysiology. Obtained unique scientific results from researches were the materials for 169 publications, 93 of which were indexed in WoS and Scopus. Weighted impact factor was 1.696; 3 patents were obtained; 12 course works and theses were carried out.
Laboratory of Somnology and Neurophysiology was founded in September 2020 by uniting Somnology Centre and Laboratory of Pediatrics and Neurophysiology.
Main areas of research:
- Study of fundamental and applied aspects of modern somnology and neurophysiology in pediatrics;
- Development and implementation of new innovative approaches in obstetrics and perinatology from the point of modern sleep medicine;
- Search for diagnostic patterns and prognostic markers of sleep disorders in age-dependent conditions.
Objectives of the Laboratory:
- Study of sleep physiology and pathology in different age-related and critical periods of life considering gender and ethnicity;
- Study of neurophysiological and neurobiological characteristics of the integrative activity of somnogenic brain structures in various age, gender and ethnic groups;
- Development of pathogenetically substantiated and personalized approaches of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of sleep disorders in various age populations of Northern Asia.
Currently the following researchers work in the Laboratory:
- Madaeva I.M., head of the laboratory, sleep therapist, chief research officer, Dr.Sc. (Med.)
- Berdina O.N., functional diagnostic physician, leading research officer, Cand.Sc.(Med.)
- Bolshakova S.E., functional diagnostic physician, research officer, Cand.Sc.(Med.)
- Ukhinov E.B., neurophysiologist, neurologist, junior research officer