the largest subdivision of medical academic science in Eastern Siberia, whose activities are aimed at solving the key medical and biological problems of family health with the development of innovative technologies for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major diseases.
Our centersChildren's hospital and doctors' consultations. Diagnostics. Rehabilitation
Vaccination. Tests
Medical conferences and events
The Center educational initiatives support a great number of existing scientific programs in an effort to expand capacity to reach more students and scientists. Our programs educate students and scientist to serve as leaders in the medical and biological innovations with the knowledge, skills and confidence to develop and deliver breakthrough solutions to real-world problems.
Scientific peer-review open access journal, published both in print and electronically. It is included in the Scopus, RSCI, RISC databases, as well as in the list of the HAC.
actabiomedica.ruScientific, technical and medical cooperation in the field of key medical and biological problems of family health, as well as socially and epidemiologically significant infections with similar foreign organizations.